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Invitation for The 9th China International Satcom 2011
The 9th China International Satcom 2011
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China Users Association for Satellite Communications£¬Broadcasting & Television(CUA-SCBT)
China Users Association for Satellite Communications, Broadcasting & Television (CUA-SCBT) is the unique national professional organization, representing all users of satellite communications£¬ broadcasting and television in China .It is composed of experts from government agencies, operation companies, manufacturers, education and scientific research units. It is a non-profitable organization which was registered with Ministry of Civil Affairs early in April 1993. Mr.Hu Qi li (Former Minister of Ministry of Electronic Industry ,Vice Chairman of the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.)was elected as president of CUA-SCBT£¬Since 1998,Mr. Wang Jun£¨Chairman of CITIC£©has been elected as president. Since 2008,Mr.Chang Zhen Minghas£¨Deputy Chairman of CITIC£©has been elected as president.

CUA-SCBT's aim

CUA-SCBT serves as a bridge between users and manufacturers, operation companies and scientific research units both at home and abroad. CUA-SCBT, based on State policies and through its activities provides various services to users such as exchange of information on satellite communications£¬ promotion of new system/equipment applications, so as to develop satellite communications, broadcasting and television industry in China.

CUA-SCBT's Main operating scope: Information Exchange, Consultant Services, Training Services, International Cooperation.
To Provide information of new technology, new products, new systems in the field of satellite communications, broadcasting and television to users.

To offer technical advice, system design and technical training, by experts invited from both domestic and abroad
According to users' needs to provide proposals, technical assessment and plans.

To make suggestions to Government authorities based on users long-term needs to provide information to manufacturers and research institutions.

According to request of users, manufacturer or scientific research units, to organize equipment exhibition, system demonstration, technical exchange and announce news release.

To solve out technical problems in operating satellite system and equipment for users.

According to users¡¯ complaint, to make evaluation on system/equipment quality problems.

To edit and publish CUA-SCBT official magazine <China Satcom>, and distribute it to manufacturers both in China and abroad.

To enhance international technical exchange, promote the cooperation.


CUA-SCBT members are belong to various government departments, military units and group corporations, such as Ministry of Information Industry, State Administration of Radio Film & TV, Ministry of Education, China National Space Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Communications, People¡¯s Bank of China, and so on. More than 90% of total satellite telecommunications service in China are handled by aforementioned.

CUA-SCBT'S Activities

In the past 15 years since its establishment, nearly 100 events, such as technical exchange, symposium, seminar, technical consultancy and technical training have been conducted by CUA-SCBT, nearly 10,000 participants in total have attended. In addition, several bigger equipment exhibition/technical seminars have been organized in which nearly 200 exhibitors both domestic and abroad attended. Visitors amounted to 40,000. Many famous organizations and companies, such as Intelsat, Inmarsat, AsiaSat, APTsat, Hughes Network System(US), GTE(US), PanAmSat (US), NEC(Japan), S/A Company (US), WJS Company (US), GILAT(Israel), TRW Company(US), STM(US), Stanford Telecom(US) etc. have attended those activities.

A large-scale international comprehensive technical seminar on satellite telecommunications and China Satellite Radio Television & Network Technology Summit is to be held by CUA-SCBT every two-year.

The official magazine: "A Handbook of Satellite Applications of VSAT","A Handbook of Satellite Applications for Communications, Radio, Navigation and Remote Sensing" of CUA-SCBT is providing systematic information on new technological developments.

As a result of above activities, CUA-SCBT has gained high reputation from users both in China and the outside world.

+Contact Us

Address: 6/F,Guo An Building Dongdaqiao Chaoyang District,Beijing China
Postcode: 100020
Tel: (8610) 65067462    (8610)65067437                    Fax : (8610)65067662
E-mail: office@cuasat.org.cn

© 2010 China Users Association for Satellite Communications. Broadcasting & Television. All Rights Reserved.